Tag Archives: kichererbsenmehl

Apple Muffins made with Chickpea Flour

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Ich hatte noch etwas Kichererbsenmehl von meinen Klößchen übrig, eigentlich wollte ich sie nocheinmal machen – sie waren einfach so gut – aber jetzt sind es Apfelmuffins geworden. Ziemlich einfach ohne viel Schnick-schnack.

I had some of the chickpea flour left over, from when I made the little “meat” balls. I planned on making them again – they’ve just been so good – but now apple muffins it is. Pretty fuss-free.


Recipe (yields 12 Muffins)

What youll need
1 3/4 cups chickpea flour (I made my own, by placing dry chickpeas in a food processor)
1/2 Tsp. baking powder
1/3 cups roughly chopped walnuts
1/2 cup of coconutoil
1/4 cup mapel syrup
1 Tsp. apple cider vinegar
2 shredded apples

What you wanna do
1. Mix dry ingredients first, than add all other ingredients and blend well using a fork.
2. Press mixture into lined muffin tin and place in oven for 30 minutes at 150 °C / 302° F

Pretty simple…I told ‘ya
