Tag Archives: sonnenblumenkerne

How to make Sunflower Seed Butter

How to make vegan sunflower seed butter How to make vegan sunflower seed butter How to make vegan sunflower seed butter How to make vegan sunflower seed butter How to make vegan sunflower seed butter

Ich liebe Kartoffeln und könnte sie jeden Tag essen. Einfach so ohne alles – simpel eben. Von Zeit zu Zeit  füge ich meinen Kartoffeln aber noch einen kleinen Twist hinzu. Die Sonnenblumenkernbutter habe ich zum ersten Mal ausprobiert. Sie ist toll, auch mit anderem Gemüse oder auf Brot. Das Gute – im Weckglas hält sie sich, durch ihren hohen Fettanteil, ziemlich lange. Aber keine Angst, dass sind gesunde Fette ;-)

I love me some – or quite a lot potatoes -. I could eat them every day. Just plain like this – simple. But from time to time, I love to add a little twist to my potatoes. I tried this sunnflower seed butter for the first time. It’s amazing, also try it with other vegies or bread. The best – if kept in a mason jar in the fridge, it last you a pretty long time, because of it’s high fat content. But don’t worry these are healthy fats ;-)

Recipe (yields a small Mason jar or Weck Glas)
What you’ll need
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup sunflower seed oil (or any other you like – this is just to blend the dried seeds well)
Herbs as you like (I used oregano)

What you wanna do
1. Put the sunflower seeds on a lined baking tin and bake in the oven on 150°C/300°F for about 20 min or until lightly golden – check beack often, as they can burn pretty easily
2. Let the seeds cool down after baking and than place in a food processor with the herbs and oil and blend away until a butter forms. You may add more or less oil if you want it creamier/not so creamy.
I love mine like the crunchy peanut butter – with the crunch ;-)

Thanks so much for reading!
