Tag Archives: personal development

The Gratitude Project

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The Gratitude Project, dass ist der Instagram Account einer australischen Mutter einer süßen, kleinen Tochter. Sie postet non-stop inspirierende Sprüche und Bilder. Ende Februar hat sie ihren Blog gelauncht und ich kann es kaum erwarten, was sie uns noch zu bieten hat.

The Gratitude Project, that is the instagram account of a beautiful australian mother to a cute, little daughter. She’s sharing non-stop inspirational quotes and pictures. She just launched her blog at the end of february and I can’t wait what else she has in store for us.


Thank you so much for reading!


Be Irresistible

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Tragen Sie Make-up. Es wirkt so eitel es nicht zu tun.” Coco Chanel oder “How you put yourself together from head to toe communicate more about you than your words can ever say.” Marie Forleo, Philosophien nach denen ich lebe.

Ich bin der Meinung das jeder und jede etwas aus sich machen kann und unglaublich schön sein kann. Denn dann treten wir mit mehr Selbstbewusstsein auf und, wie Studien belegen, wirken wir gesünder.

The real sin against life is to abuse and destroy beauty, even one’s own – even more one’s own, for that has bee put in our care and we are responsible for its well-being.” Katherine Ann Porter, Pulitzer Prize-winning author

Zwei Bücher die mir in dieser Hinsicht sehr am Herzen liegen sind “Baustelle Body” von Sonya Kraus und “Make Every Man Want You – How to be so irresistible you’ll barley keep from dating yourself” von Marie Forleo. Die Buchtitel sind fast verwirrend und klingen sehr eitel. Die Bücher sind im Grunde genommen aber einfach dafür da, sich in seiner eigenen Haut wohl zu fühlen und das Beste aus sich raus zu holen. Zwei Inspirierende Bücher von zwei inspirierenden Frauen.

“If you judge people you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa

Wear makeup. It appears vain not to.” by Coco Chanel or “How you put yourself together from head to toe communicate more about you than your words can ever say.” by Marie Forleo, philosophies I live by.

I think every man and every woman can be and look beautiful. Because than we have more selfe confidence and, as studies show, we seem healthier to others.

The real sin against life is to abuse and destroy beauty, even one’s own – even more one’s own, for that has bee put in our care and we are responsible for its well-being.” Katherine Ann Porter, Pulitzer Prize-winning author

Two books which really touched my heart on this toppic are “Baustelle Body” [transl. construction area body] by Sonya Kraus und “Make Every Man Want You – How to be so irresistible you’ll barley keep from dating yourself” by Marie Forleo. Those book titels may sound somewhat irritating and vain. But they basically teach you and me how to feel good in your own skin and how to make the best of you. Two inspiring books by two inspiring woman.

“If you judge people you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa

Model – my friend Anne
Make-up – by me



Ps.: As Marie Forleo would say “When you notice another hot woman, silently bless her and say, ‘That’s right, girl. W-o-r-k!'” ;)