Category Archives: RECIPES

Theos Birthday Cake

Although Theo’s birthday has been 3 month ago, I wanted to share the cake I made for him. I don’t have exact measurements, but I wanted to show you that a beautiful, delicious cake can be made without any refined sugar and vegan.

It is actually a two layerd banana bread ;-P So here’s what I did: I baked two banana breads in a round cake tin. I never use sugar with my banana breads, just 4-6 of the ripest (sometimes almost dark brown) bananas. For inbetween the layers and the frosting I mixed together 2 packs of Simply V cream “cheese” spread (almond based), coconut sugar, cacao, melted dark chocolate. And as a decoration I just added fresh berries and daisies.

[Shout out to my mom ;) My parents have the most natural, greenest and lush garden – I love spending time there.]

I’ve been very happy with how it turned out: super rich, dense and creamy. Perfect for those chubby, little fingers. No added white sugar or dairy.

I wish I’ve taken more pictures of this beautiful cake (and maybe some measurements) – but these will have to do and I know you’ll get what I mean :)

— Elisa

Snack Idea – Rawnola

Oh my goodness, this must’ve been the longest time, that I haven’t written a blogpost. The last one was Theo’s six months update (he’s over a year now). But I’ve missed it. That’s why I’m doing another post today and hope I continue writing more consistently. 

I always wait to put out any posts, or for that matter anything else that I’ve created, because I think it’s not good enough or not ready yet. And than when I look back it makes me sad to see such a big gap in my posts instead of just a few not so “perfect” ones. I don’t want to put out content just for the sake of it, I want a journal of my life. The tings I’m doing at the moment, that excite me or that I want to dive more into. I want something to look back to or even to go back to and re-read.

So, well lets start today with a simple post, a simple inspiration. Because it’s all about the little things right? Oh and I should mention, I don’t want to post super thought out recipes anymore, but also inspiration like this one today. Because this isn’t a recipe that I created, but it’s a recipe that tried and love! It’s the rawnola recipe from Loni (@lonijane on Instagram). What is rawnola? Glad you ask. Basically it’s granola (your usual cereals or muesli in the morning) but raw and not baked. It’s the most easiest recipe you can think of, with only three ingredients but you’ll need a high speed blender to chop up the dates and mix it all together. And because I can’t tell you all the benefits from my mind, here’s a quote from Lonis site “Oats pack quite the protein fiber punch as well as good slow releasing carbs, the dates help you with digestion and elimination of waste and are full of B vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin which assist the body greatly in the breakdown of sugars, energy production, and emotional wellbeing.”

So and if this doesn’t encourage you to make a batch of it, how does this sound to you: Cereal for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. Yep! It’s that good and totally ok for you to eat whenever you wish.

I have mine with some form of fruit – preferrably berries or nectarines – and oat milk. Have a try and let me know what you think :-)


Have a great day!


Vegan Maulwurfkuchen (glutenfree, refined sugar free)

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Ich kann es ja fast kaum glauben, ein zweiter Blogpost innerhalb einer Woche ;p Ich komme seid Theodors Geburt einfach immer viel seltener dazu etwas in einem Zug zu machen. So brauche ich eine gefühlte Ewigkeit um ein Rezept zu kochen, es zu fotografieren und online zu stellen.

Aber jetzt zum Kuchen. Mein Bruder hatte Geburtstag und da er gern Maulwurfkuchen isst, wollte ich ihm gern einen backen. Ich habe mir verschiedene vegane Rezepte angeschaut und mir dann einfach selbst was zusammen gestellt. Manche waren mit weißem Haushaltszucker (den nutze ich nicht) oder sonstigen komischen Zutaten. Ganz wichtig ist es die Kokosnussmilch schon am Abend zuvor in den Kühlschrank zu stellen. Auf jeden Fall war ich begeistert wie einfach der Kuchen herzustellen war für so ein tolles Ergebnis. Aber drei Stück zu essen war dann doch keine gute Idee ;)

Veganer Maulwurfkuchen (ohne Gluten, ohne Haushaltszucker)

Was du benötigst – für den Teig

  • 1,5 Tassen Buchweizenmehl
  • 1/2 Tasse Kakaopulver
  • 2 EL Backpulver
  • 1/2 Tasse Kokosblütenzucker, Ahornsirup oder Zuckerrübensirup
  • 1 Prise Salz
  • 1/3 Tasse Apfelmus
  • 1,5 Tassen Pflanzenmilch

Was du benötigst – für die Füllung

  • 2 Bananen
  • 50 g dunkle, kuhmichfreie Schokolade
  • 1 Dose Kokosnussmilch
  • 2 EL Kokosblütenzucker, Ahornsirup oder Zuckerrübensirup

Was du tun musst

  1. Stelle die Dose Kokosnussmilch über Nacht in den Kühlschrank.
  2. Mit einer Gabel mische die trockenen Zutaten für den Teig, dann füge die feuchten Zutaten hinzu und mische alles gut zusammen, wieder mit einer Gabel.
  3. Fülle den Teig in eine mit Kokosnussöl gefettete Kuchenform (26cm Durchmesser) und backe ihn für ca. 20-25 Minuten, oder bis ein Holzstab sauber herauskommt, bei 180°C/356°F. Nach dem Backen den Kuchen gut auskühlen lassen, sonst fällt die Sahne gleich zu einer Matschepampe zusammen ;)
  4. Raspel die dunkle Schokolade mit einer Reibe zu feinen Flocken.
  5. Nimm die Dose Kokosmilch aus dem Kühlschrank und schöpfe jetzt nur die dicke Creme in eine Rührschüssel. Das übrig gebliebene Kokoswasser kannst du dir für einen Smoothie aufheben.
  6. Mit einem Handrührgerät schlage die Sahne für 1-2 Minuten, bis sie schön fluffig ist und hebe die Schokoraspel sowie den Kokosblütenzucker (bzw. Ahornsirup oder Zuckerrübensirup) mit unter. Stelle sie dann für mindestens 15 Minuten in den Kühlschrank oder bis der Kuchenteig gut ausgekühlt ist.
  7. Wenn der Kuchen erkaltet ist höhle ihn mit einem Löffel aus bis ca. nur noch ein 1cm Boden und Rand übrig ist. Gib den Teig, den du heraus gekratzt hast, in eine Schüssel.
  8. Jetzt verteile die Bananen auf dem Boden. Verstreiche die Kokossahne obendrauf und krümel die beiseite gestellten Schokokuchenstücke darüber.
  9. Den Kuchen bewahrst du am Besten bis zum Verzehr im Kühlschrank auf, damit die Sahne schön fest bleibt.

I almost can’t believe that this is already the second blog post this week ;p It’s just rarely possible for me to do something in one sitting since Theodor was born. It feels like a lifetime to create, shoot and post a recipe.

But now on to the cake. Since my brother celebrated his birthday and he loves to eat Maulwurfkuchen (engl. mole cake – because it looks like a mole hill) I thought I bake him one. I looked at different vegan recipes and than just pieced my own together. Some called for refined sugar (which I don’t use) or other weird things. For this recipe though it’s vital to place the coconutmilk in the fridge over night. At the end I was impressed how easy it was, to create such an amazing cake. But eating three pieces was definitely not a good idea ;)

Vegan Maulwurfkuchen (gf, sf)

What you’ll need – for the dough

  • 1.5 cups buckwheat flour
  • 1/2 cups cacao powder
  • 2 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar, maple syrup or sugar beet molasses
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1/3 cup apple sauce
  • 1.5 cups plant milk

What you’ll need – for the filling

  • 2 bananas
  • 50 g/ 2 Tbsp dark dairy free chocolate
  • 1 can full fat coconut milk
  • 2 Tbsp coconut sugar, maple syrup or sugar beet molasses

What you’ll need to do

  1. Place the can of coconut milk in the fridge over night. 
  2. With a fork mix the dry ingredients for the dough, than add the wet ones and combine well with the fork. 
  3. Fill the dough in a coconut oil greased, round cake tin (about 10”) and bake the cake at 180°C/356°F for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let cake cool completely after baking or otherwise the coconut cream will get runny again. 
  4. Grate the dark chocolate with a grater into fine flakes. 
  5. Take the can of coconut milk out of the fridge and spoon out the thick cream into a deep mixing bowl. You can keep the coconut water that’s left in the can for smoothies. 
  6. With a mixer whip the cream for 1-2 minutes on high speed until it’s fluffy. Than add the coconut sugar (or maple syrup/sugar beet molasses) and chocolate flakes. Than place it in the fridge again for at least 15 minutes or until the cake is cooled. 
  7. When the cake is cooled down, take a spoon and scrape the inside out until about 1cm / 0.4 inches are left of the bottom and the sides. Save the crumbs in a bowl. 
  8. Now spread the whole bananas on the bottom, add the coconut whipped cream on top and sprinkle the crumbs over it.
  9. Place the cake in the fridge until it’s time to serve it, so that the cream will stay nice and firm.
