Category Archives: Inspiration

Snack Idea – Rawnola

Oh my goodness, this must’ve been the longest time, that I haven’t written a blogpost. The last one was Theo’s six months update (he’s over a year now). But I’ve missed it. That’s why I’m doing another post today and hope I continue writing more consistently. 

I always wait to put out any posts, or for that matter anything else that I’ve created, because I think it’s not good enough or not ready yet. And than when I look back it makes me sad to see such a big gap in my posts instead of just a few not so “perfect” ones. I don’t want to put out content just for the sake of it, I want a journal of my life. The tings I’m doing at the moment, that excite me or that I want to dive more into. I want something to look back to or even to go back to and re-read.

So, well lets start today with a simple post, a simple inspiration. Because it’s all about the little things right? Oh and I should mention, I don’t want to post super thought out recipes anymore, but also inspiration like this one today. Because this isn’t a recipe that I created, but it’s a recipe that tried and love! It’s the rawnola recipe from Loni (@lonijane on Instagram). What is rawnola? Glad you ask. Basically it’s granola (your usual cereals or muesli in the morning) but raw and not baked. It’s the most easiest recipe you can think of, with only three ingredients but you’ll need a high speed blender to chop up the dates and mix it all together. And because I can’t tell you all the benefits from my mind, here’s a quote from Lonis site “Oats pack quite the protein fiber punch as well as good slow releasing carbs, the dates help you with digestion and elimination of waste and are full of B vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin which assist the body greatly in the breakdown of sugars, energy production, and emotional wellbeing.”

So and if this doesn’t encourage you to make a batch of it, how does this sound to you: Cereal for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. Yep! It’s that good and totally ok for you to eat whenever you wish.

I have mine with some form of fruit – preferrably berries or nectarines – and oat milk. Have a try and let me know what you think :-)


Have a great day!


Sunday Surfin’ | 2016-03-27


Fröhliches Osterwochenende :) Ich hoffe du kannst die kleine Auszeit mit deinen Lieben genießen.

In der letzten Zeit habe ich soviele insprierende Artikel, Videos und Blogposts gefunden und denke, das sie dir auch gefallen bzw. nutzen werden…

//QUOTE –  “Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” – Robert J. Sawyer

//PINTEREST BOARD – Wenn du Minimalismus und schöne Fotografien magst, wirst du dieses Pinterest-Board von Rachel Aust lieben.

//ARTICLE – Betreibst du auch deinen eigenen Blog? Dann solltest du unbedingt den Artikel von A Pair and A Spare lesen > THREE REASONS YOUR BLOG IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER (AKA WHY YOU SHOULDN’T DITCH THE BLOG).

//VIDEO – Wie man mit Beständigkeit alles erreichen kann, was man im Leben vorhat. Ein kurzes Youtube Video von Marie Forleo “How To Be Consistent: 5 Steps To Get Things Done, All The Time”.

//RECIPE – Wenn du noch ein einfaches und schnelles Mitbringsel für Ostern brauchst, sind diese Schokomuffins von Everydaysimplehealth genau das richtige für dich. Ich habe sie jetzt schon 2x gebacken und bin begeistert von der Einfachheit der Zutaten, dem intensiven Geschmack und dem Fakt das sie gluten- und fettfrei sind.

Happy easter weekend :) I hope you get to spend this little quiet time with your loved ones.

The past weeks I’ve collected a load of inspirational articles, videos and blogposts, which I think you’ll love and would help you as well…

//QUOTE –  “Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” – Robert J. Sawyer

//PINTEREST BOARD – If you like minimalism and beautiful photography, you’ll love the Pinterest board from Rachel Aust.

//ARTICLE – Do you have your own blog? Than you should definitely read this article by A Pair and A Spare > THREE REASONS YOUR BLOG IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER (AKA WHY YOU SHOULDN’T DITCH THE BLOG).

//VIDEO – How to achieve everything you want in life with consistency. A short Youtube video by Marie Forleo “How To Be Consistent: 5 Steps To Get Things Done, All The Time”.

//RECIPE – If your still looking for a small and easy easter gift, than these  chocolate muffins by Everydaysimplehealth might just be the right thing for you. I already made them two times now and I’m super thrilled about the simple ingredients, the intensive taste and the fact that they’re gluten and fat free.



Sunday Surfin’ | 2016-02-28


Falls du auch gerade auf der Couch deinen Sonntag genießt, hier ganz schnell ein paar meiner Favoriten aus dieser Woche, die dich vielleicht interessieren :)

//ARTICLE – 7 Dinge die erfolgreiche Menschen tun, die sie dir nie erzählen würden gelesen auf Mein Favorit ist Nummer zwei “Sie sind IMMER positiv”.

//WEBSITE LOVE – Wunderschöne Website mit vielen Tipps und Inspirationen für Mütter – The Grace Tales.

//INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO – Schön und klug – Canna von SugarMamma.TV gibt nicht nur Tipps zum Geld anlegen, sondern auch zur Motivation, Minimalismus und wie hier zur Effizienz und Konzentration.

//RECIPE – Schonmal was von einem Rote Beete Curry gehört? Ich auch nicht obwohl ich Rote Beete liebe. Das Rezept von My New Roots werde ich definitiv bald nachkochen.

//BOOK – Am Freitag habe eine Freundin besucht mit einem sieben Monate alten Baby. Sie hat dem kleinen einen Brei aus warmen Wasser, einem Apfel, einer Banane und zwei Esslöffel Mandelmuß gemacht. Der war super lecker und ja, ich war etwas neidisch auf den kleinen ;) Das Rezept hat sie aus dem Buch Gesund von Geburt an: Naturbelassene Anfangsnahrung von Marianne Niederer. Darin stehen Rohkost-Rezepte für Babies, sowie viele weitere Tipps vom Stillen bis zum Impfen. Werde ich mir definitiv auch zulegen.

If you’re also enjoying your Sunday on the couch right now, here really quickly my favorites from this week, which might be interesting for you as well :) 

//ARTICLE – 7 Things Successful People Do That They Will Never Tell You! I read that on My fav is number two “They are ALWAYS positive”.

//WEBSITE LOVE – Gorgeous website with tonnes of tips and inspiration for moms – The Grace Tales.

//INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO – Beautiful and smart – Canna from SugarMamma.TV doesn’t only give tips on how to invest your money wisely, but also on motovation, minimalism and as in this video on  efficency and concentration

//RECIPE – Ever heard of Beetroot Curry? Me neither, although I love beetroot. I’ll definitvely cook this recipe from My New Roots.

//BOOK – I visited a friend with a seven month old baby on friday. She made the little one a puree of warm water, one apple, one banana and two tabelspoons almond butter. This was so good, I was kind of jealous ;) She found the recipe in a cook book with raw, natural recipes for bebes and tips on breastfeeding and vaccination (I think it’s only available in German – Gesund von Geburt an: Naturbelassene Anfangsnahrung by Marianne Niederer). Im for sure getting that one.
