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Inspirational Friday: DIY 5 Minute Wall Art

Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art Before and After | DIY Wall Art

Es war mehr als überfällig unser Wohnzimmer etwas aufzupeppen. Am liebsten würde ich sofort noch mehr machen…aber Stück für Stück.
Ihr könnt ganz fix eure eigene Wandgestaltung selbst zusammenstellen, mit Dingen die ihr schon zuhause habt. Dazu braucht ihr einfach ein paar Bilderrahmen die ihr nicht mehr nutzt oder umgestalten möchtet. Ich wollte keine Kunstwerke daraus machen, schließlich sollte es schnell gehen und vorallem Spaß machen, siehe auch die große Tasse Kaffee ;-) Es sollten Bilder werden, die man nicht ganz so ernst nimmt. Deswegen habe ich sie auch nicht aufgehangen, sondern nur gegen die Wand gelehnt, so lassen sie sich auch schnell austauschen.
Und weil ich gerade mal dabei war und es so viel Spaß gemacht hab, hab ich gleich  gleich noch ein paar mit etwas mehr Farbe gemacht. Es hat nur 5 Minuten gedauert!

It’s been more than over due to spice up our living room a little. I’d love to do even more instantly…but one thing at a time.
You can quickly make your own wall decoration with things you have at home. What you need? Just some picture frames you have laying around or have been meaning to re-decorate. I didn’t want this project to turn into masterpieces of artwork, I wanted them to be done quickly and have some fun while making them, hence the big coffee mug ;-) They’re not supposed to be taken too seriously. That’s why I didn’t hung them just placed them infront of each other. And since I had so much fun creating the first ones, I thought I do some with a little pop of color. They only took me 5 minutes!

How to make your own 5 minute wall art

What you’ll need
Picture frames (as many as you want)
Acrylic paint and brushes
White A3 paper
A pencil
A pair of Scissors
Old paper, so nothing gets on the floor
Some inspirational quotes or a picture you like

What you wanna do

  1. Place the frames on the white paper and trace with the pencil, to see how much you have to cut of to place in the frame. If you picture frame is larger than the A3 paper, just take some tape and glue them together.
  2. With the pencile trace the lines you want to color with your acrylic paint. This way you can erase slight imperfections.
  3. With a brush and the acrylic paint follow your pencile lines and draw in your picture.
  4. Don’t forget to let the whole thing dry bevor your erase the pencile lines ;-)

As for the pink dotted picture: Use a wine cork dipped in paint and have some fun…

Thank you so much for reading!

Ps.: See the connection > LeBoer and the big picture of the bear … wink, wink….
