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Make your own chocolate in 20 minutes (refined sugar free, vegan)

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Auch wenn es vergangenes Wochenende so heiß war (33 Grad Celsius im Schatten) auf Schokolade hatte ich trotzdem Lust. Wenn sie dann auch noch gut gekühlt und knackig ist umso besser.

Wie immer wollte ich so wenig wie möglich an Zutaten verwenden und habe tatsächlich auch nur drei benötigt. Die Masse war super schnell angerührt und das erste Stück konnte man schon nach nur 20 Minuten im Tiefkühler genießen. Obwohl ich ernsthaft Angst hatte, das es überhaupt dazu kommt. Ich habe das Wochenende bei meinen Eltern verbracht, naja und was soll ich sagen. Mein Papa fand die angerührte Kakaomasse sehr lecker.

Das dann schon nach einer guten halben Stunde nix mehr übrig war, brauche ich wohl nicht zu sagen. Meine Family hat mich tatkräftig unterstützt.

Da die Sckokolade sofort zu schmelzen beginnt, durch den hohen Anteil an Kokosnussöl, empfehle ich, sie auch nur im Tiefkühlschrank oder Kühlschrank aufzubewahren.

Although it’s been super hot here in Germany this past weekend (33 degree Celsius in the shade) I had a little chocolate craving. And when the chocolate is cold and crisp, even better.

As always I wanted to use as little ingredients as possible and as it turned out I only needed three. I prepped the chocolate mix in under 10 minutes and you could eat the first pieces after only 20 minutes in the freezer. I was quite concerned that they would even make it into the freezer…as I spend the weekened at my parents and my dad quite liked the chocolate mix, to say the least.

I don’t need to say that the chocolate was gone in under 30 minutes. Had quite the help from my family.

I’d suggest to keep the chocolate in the fridge or freezer (if it lasts you longer than me) because it’ll immediately start to melt, do to the high amount of coconut oil in it.

Recipe (makes 8 big pieces of chocolate)

What you’ll need

  • 1 1/2 cup of coconut oil
  • 2 tsp. cacao
  • 2 Tbsp. maple syrup (if you’d like a raw version, just use the sweetener of your choice)

What you wanna do

  1. If it isn’t already melted liquify your coconut oil by either placing it in the microwave for several seconds or on the stove on low heat
  2. In a glas or bowl add the maple syrup and cacao to your melted coconut oil
  3. With a spoon, fork or whisk combine the three ingredients until you get a nice and smooth chocolate sauce
  4. Now either pour the chocolate sauce in ice cube molds or if you have, special chocolate molds
  5. If you’d like you can now add fruites or any nuts to the chocolate filled molds – I used what I had which where hazelnuts and red currants
  6. Now transfer the the chocolate filled molds into the freezer for 20 minutes
  7. They’re ready to eat once hardened

Tipp: If you’d like you could also add salt or vanilla to the chocolate mix



Denim Overall + Black Longsleeve + Birkenstocks

Birkenstocks + Latzhose | Birkenstocks + denim Overall Birkenstocks + Latzhose | Birkenstocks + denim Overall Birkenstocks + Latzhose | Birkenstocks + denim Overall

Happy Wednesday!

Sandals – Birkestock
Denim Overall – New Yorker
Longsleeve – H&M
Choker – Fleamarket find
Watch – Citizen
Sunnies – H&M
