Tag Archives: kuchen ohne glute

Almond & Pear Bread (vegan, sugar free, gluten free)

Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer Pear Bread | Birnenbrot | Birnenkuchen | LeBoer

Das ist mal wieder eines dieser Rezepte mit Zutaten die “weg müssen”. Diesmal sind’s alte Birnen die schon so weich waren, das man sie kaum noch essen konnte. Aber gerade dann sind sie doch besonders süß. Da man auch für Bananenbrot ganz reife Bananen nimmt, dachte ich mir ist es mit den Birnen nicht anders. Gesagt getan und es ist umwerfend süß und saftig. Die süße Mandelkruste oben drauf rundet das Ganze noch ab. Super für einen Sonntagnachmittag ;-)

This is one of those recipes with ingredients that “have to go”. This time these are some overly ripe peras. Almost to soft to eat, but hey that’s exactly when they are super sweet. Since you use super ripe bananas for banana bread I thought why not make pear bread. Sooner said than done and the outcome is amazing. Really moist and sweet. The sweet and crunchy almond crust tops it all. Perfect for a laid back Sunday afternoon ;-)

Recipe (yields a large loaf)

What you’ll need

  • 5-6 smaller super ripe and soft pears
  • 1 cup coconut oil (or any other vegetable oil with a mild flavor)
  • 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup mapel syrup and some to sprinkle on top
  • 3/4 cup almonds
  • 1 cup oats (gluten free if you want)
  • 2 cups buckwheat flour (I make my own by placing buckwheat in a blender)
  • 1 tsp. baking powder

What you wanna do
1. Wash and core the pears then place them in a blender and blend until really smooth.
2. To the pear mash add all other wet ingredients and blend really well.
3. Add all dry ingredients to the mixture except the almonds and blend really well. Place the dough in a lined rectangular cake tin.
4. With a sharp knife chop up the almonds into little pieces.
5. Top the dough with the chopped almonds and then drizzle with maple syrup.
6. Bake in the oven for about an hour or until a toothpick comes out clean on 180°C/356°F.


Thank you so much for reading!
