Tag Archives: Wie macht man Kürbiskuchen

Pumpkin Pie Made From Scratch

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Oh Kürbiskuchen…warm…mit Sahne. So lecker. Aber leider bleibt das nur ein unerfüllter Traum hier in Deutschland. Denn Kürbispüree in der Dose sucht man in unseren Supermärkten vergebens. Höchsten eingelegten, herzhaften Kürbis im Glas findet man.

Mein Jahr in Amerika hat mich zum Profi gemacht was Kürbiskuchen angeht. Dort haben wir um die Thanksgivingzeit über 100 dieser Kuchen im Hauswirtschaftskurs gebacken, um sie zu verkaufen. Zurück in Deutschland heißt es also Kürbis selbst pürieren und den Kuchen von Grund auf selber machen. Meine Variation ist glutenfrei, ohne tierische Produkte und am wichtigsten ohne Zucker. Das bedeutet ich kann den Kuchen auch ganz alleine essen, wenn ich möchte ;-) Was gibt es besseres?

Oh pumpkin pie…warm…with cream. So good. Unfortunately this dream of mine can barley be fullfilled here in Germany. There’s no point in looking for pumpkin pureé in our supermarkets. You maybe lucky if you can find pickeld pumpkin, but that’s about it.
My year in the states made pretty much a a professional out of me. Around Thanksgiving we made more than 100 pumpkin pies for our home ec class, to sell. Back in Germany means, making your own pumpkin pureé and making this awesome pie from scratch. My variation is gluten free, free from dairy products and most important of all sugar free. Means I can eat the whole cake all by myselfe ;-) And I mean, what’s better than that?


Recipe Pumpkin Pie (yields a 9.45 inch pie pan)

  • Sugar free
  • Gluten free
  • Vegan

What you’ll need for the crust

  • 2 c. oat flour (gluten free)
  • 2x 1/4c c. Coconutbutter
  • 5 Tbsp. Water

What you’ll need for the filling

  • Half a butternut squash
  • 250 g (8,82 oz) dates
  • 2 Tbsp. Pumpkin spice
  • 1 c. Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 c. water
  • 1/2 c. oats (gluten free)
  • 4 Tbsp. Maple Sirup

What you wanna do

  • Start with making the crust by mixing the oat flour and the coconutbutter with your fingers.
  • Add the water to get an even dough.
  • Press dough into pie pan with your hands or roll out and place in pan.
  • Stick crust in the oven at 180°C/356 °F for 20 min
  • For the filling, mix all filling ingredients in a blender until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Take crust out of the oven, add mixture on top and stick back into the oven for another 40 min to 1 hour.
  • Take pie out of the oven serve with coconut cream and eat while warm ;-)
